5 snacks for idle girls that promote muscle growth and fat loss

When you're in the need for a savory snack but want something more wholesome than chips, egg muffins are the ideal solution. They're simple to make and delicious.

Egg muffins

It's always an excellent idea, to combine peanut butter with banana. To up the protein value, I like to mix Greek yogurt with smooth peanut butter and top it with sliced bananas or fruit bits.

Yogurt dip with peanut butter and banana

I often keep hummus and simple-to-prepare vegetables in the refrigerator. I adore hummus with chips, but for additional fiber and nutrients, I also like to add some thinly sliced carrots, peppers, or cucumber. Oatcakes are also a higher-fiber substitute for chips.

Oat cakes or hummus with crudités and chips

One or two portions of fruit can be consumed along with a protein boost in the form of protein smoothies, which can help you feel fuller for longer.

Protein smoothie

I always start with some form of frozen fruit, protein powder, and almond milk and then add different ingredients, such as yogurt, oats, seeds, avocado, and peanut butter, depending on my mood.

Protein smoothie

I adore Babybel cheeses as an easy-to-grab savory snack. The light varieties are my favorites. Likewise, protein bars and yogurts are excellent choices, according to Neve.

Babybel cheese

When thinking about quick snacks, we typically go for a carbohydrate. These are great for on-the-go snacks that prioritize protein.

Babybel cheese

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