5 things to consider before purchasing a pet bird

It is undeniable that all birds, regardless of size or species, are messy. Food will not only fall into the cages, but most birds also enjoy throwing it through the cage bars and onto the ground below, especially after you have recently washed it.

Birds Usually Make a Mess

There will be faeces all over the place, including on the walls, the floor, and the cage. Fortunately, using a vacuum or a broom to tidy debris around a bird's cage may be done swiftly and effectively.

Birds Usually Make a Mess

The fact that birds make noise is another undisputed fact. Some birds, like canaries, can make beautiful music when they vocalise, but most do not.

Birds Are Noisy

Some species cause quite a commotion by squawking and shrieking loudly for a period of time that can last anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes. When choosing which bird species you want, consider how much vocalisation your nerves can handle.

Birds Are Noisy

There is a reason why all pet birds will chew on anything they can get their beaks into, including food, wood, cardboard, paper, plants, plastic, fabric, and woodwork. In order to prevent overgrowth, a bird's beak must be worn down or trimmed on a regular basis.

Birds Will Chew Anything

A bird's chewing serves as a form of self-care. Frequent chewing not only makes messes but can also cause furniture and other valuable items to be destroyed. The solution is to provide your pet bird a range of secure and entertaining toys that they can chew apart and ruin to their heart's content.

Birds Will Chew Anything

A bird's natural process of growing new feathers while shedding its old ones is called moulting. There will be a lot of feathers floating in the air and scattered all over the floor beneath the cage as a result of this continuing for a while.

Birds Molt and Produce Feather Dust

Dust is created as new feathers are growing in, and there may be a lot of it to cover the floor, cage, and surroundings.

Birds Molt and Produce Feather Dust

Birds will bite anyone, including their owners, even though they are not particularly violent about it. Numerous bird owners have experienced nose, ear, or finger bites; the severity of the wound was based on the size of the bird's beak.

Birds Will Bite

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