5 Things to Think About Before Getting a Green Iguana as a Pet

Although green iguanas are typically no bigger than an iPhone in pet store displays, this isn't always the case. Before you know it, they will be rivaling a Galaxy Note in size and will soon be reaching Galaxy S5 lengths.

They Become Very Large

With an iPad, you can start measuring it! They keep growing, too! Since we've ran out of cliche technical analogies, let's get right to the point: In captivity, an ideal green iguana can reach lengths of over 6 feet and weights of up to 20 pounds.

They Become Very Large

They grow large, okay, so what? Perhaps your home is spacious, or perhaps you can make do with an iguana in an apartment.

They Require a Lot of Area

But mature green iguanas require more space than you probably realized and must have a dedicated territory of their own in order to travel freely.

They Require a Lot of Area

It's not a nice thought, but green iguanas' de facto defensive mechanism—their tails—can cause considerable harm if they feel threatened.

They Are Terrifyingly Strong

You shouldn't let appearances fool you; getting whipped by an iguana tail isn't fun for anyone, and you're bound to get a good thrashing during the necessary taming months. They seem to just dangle around and move as an afterthought.

They Are Terrifyingly Strong

The typical longevity of a well-cared-for green iguana in captivity is between 12 and 15 years, however in certain circumstances, green iguanas have been known to live up to 20 years.

They have a long lifespan

In either case, as the owner of an iguana, you will be in charge of your beloved lizard for a considerable period of time; these aren't hamsters, people.

They have a long lifespan

Iguanas are not cats, and while their plump little bodies may scream something akin to "cuddle me, human," the majority won't be interested in cuddling. This doesn't mean that you can't interact with them; on the contrary.

They're Not Cuddly

You need to pick them up and hold them every day as part of their ritualistic taming. However, holding an iguana correctly is an art form in and of itself, and it will take some time before it consents to such unnatural touch.

They're Not Cuddly

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