6 Delicious Coffee Substitutes

Joey has L-theanine, an amino acid that occurs naturally and helps to alleviate tension and anxiety, along with ashwagandha, a plant that is believed to help calm the brain and lower blood pressure.

Joey : $20.00

The roasted, full-bodied creation has a tinge of spice and sweetness that makes it resemble a warm cup of coffee.

Joey : $20.00

Warning: MUD/WTR is not actually made of mud. The cacao and mushroom-based drink tastes similar to a cocoa masala chai that comes with flavors of cinnamon and turmeric and has a very little amount of caffeine.

MUD/WTR: $40.00

Antioxidants in the organic, sugar-free elixir help increase vitality and immunological defence.

MUD/WTR: $40.00

Japanese matcha is now popular, and this brand elevates the coffee substitute by adding helpful adaptogens like mushrooms along with vegan creamer.

Matcha SuperLatte from Clevr: $28

In particular for those who are extremely stressed out, the combination was made to be immediately beneficial as well as to develop long-term advantages with daily use.

Matcha SuperLatte from Clevr: $28

The roasted dandelion root used to make this caffeine-free coffee substitute is proven to enhance liver function. The quick plant-based beverage is vegan and paleo, and it has an earthy, roasted flavour that is absolutely sweet and goes well with chocolate.

Dandy Blend: $13.38

Pour the powder into a glass with either cold or hot water, then add some milk on top for a tasty treat.

Dandy Blend: $13.38

With its nutty, buttery notes, this chicory root drink achieves a balance between richness and sweetness.

Chico : $22.49

This superfood combination promises advantages for the body and mind, such as reduced stress and improved joint comfort. Three flavours of Chico are available: mint cacao, caramel, and vanilla.

Chico : $22.49

The caffeine-free sibling of coffee produced from organically roasted figs is here. After learning that coffee was rationed in England during World War II and was boosted with roasted figs because of its comparable flavour.

Figgee: $17.99

Figgee's originator came up with the one-ingredient alternative. You can brew it in the same way as ordinary coffee. The very best? It contains lots of antioxidants and fibre.

Figgee: $17.99

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