6 High-Protein Snacks to Burn Belly Fat Quickly

Just 4 net carbohydrates per 50 grams are found in peanuts. That's at least 40 shelled peanuts, which make for a tasty lunchtime treat. 13 grams of protein are included in the same serving.


Avoid the honey-roasted type since even for just that tiny serving, the sugar adds enormous amounts of carbs. Another good option is pecans, which have fewer than 2 net carbohydrates per 50 grams.They contain only 5 grams of protein.


Plain Greek yogurt is a better option than plain normal yogurt since it has more protein. Per 100 gram serving, it provides 7 grams of protein and 7 grams of carbohydrates. When you add fruit to yogurt, you add extra calories and carbs.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt with raspberries provides the same amount of protein but almost twice as many carbohydrates.

Greek Yogurt

When comparing protein to carbohydrates, cottage cheese is great. It has four times as much protein as carbohydrates in each 100-gram serving, at 13 grams.

Cottage Cheese

Again, including fruit will raise the carbohydrate content and undermine the goal of the high-protein snack.

Cottage Cheese

Protein content in tuna is outrageously high. It also has no carbohydrates. Protein is found in 82 grams per can. Each of the three 100-gram servings in a can contains 27 grams of protein. You can add various flavorful seasonings to tuna.


But you should stay away from ketchup due to its incredibly high sugar level. You can make a tasty high protein, low carb snack by combining the tuna with two Finn Crisp rye crackers, which offer 2 protein and only 14 net carbohydrates.


Protein bars contain a lot of protein, but they also contain a lot of carbohydrates. Premier Protein, one of the more well-known brands, contains 25 grams of carbs but 30 grams of protein.

Protein Bars

Only 3 grams of fiber make up the bar's 22 net grams of carbs. As a result, even if you can eat it as a snack, it serves as a meal substitute primarily. The portability and ease of use of protein bars, however, are their greatest advantages.

Protein Bars

Cheese has 15 times more protein than carbohydrates. There are 25 and 1.5 grams in a 100-gram portion, respectively. It is also adaptable. It can be shredded and used with tuna.


Slices of it can be used to encase pickles. You only need to break off a chunk to get it. There are numerous types of cheese, and almost all of them are low in carbohydrates and high in protein.


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