6 wholesome snacks to help you control your cravings and lose weight

Avocados' fatty acids and fiber help you feel fuller for longer. According to one study, people who ate avocados really weighed less, had smaller waists, and had lower body mass indices.

Avocados and Tomatoes

Avocados go well with tomatoes, which have little calories but are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps to maintain normal blood pressure. You may do this by combining it with whole-wheat chips and guacamole.

Avocados and Tomatoes

Greek yogurt is excellent since one-half cup contains 12 grams of protein, probiotics, and calcium. Avoid drinking from glasses with a lot of added sugar. Purchase plain yogurt, then top it with fresh fruit and nuts.

Greek Yogurt

Individual oat cups make great staples for the snack drawer because oats aren't only for breakfast. They'll also keep you full till dinner.


A study found that those who consumed instant oatmeal felt fuller and consumed fewer calories at their next meal than those who consumed cereal. Ensure that you only consider plain or low-sugar products.


There is nothing wrong with these imitation pork rinds, either, even though they are made of pea protein.

Nacho Cheese Pigless Pork Rind

And in terms of flavor, you wouldn't have noticed the change if we hadn't told you about it. A serving provides 130 calories, 7g of protein, and 13g of carbohydrates.

Nacho Cheese Pigless Pork Rind

Put a piece of whole wheat toast in the toaster if you'd like something more conventional. A hard cooked egg on top completes your pleasant snack.

Egg on Whole Grain

And as for cholesterol, don't worry—eating one egg a day won't make you more susceptible to heart disease.

Egg on Whole Grain

Brussel sprouts are the ideal low-calorie, high-fiber snack that you're probably not eating. Stir-fry the cruciferous vegetable in salt and oil in a pan.

Brussel Sprouts

A soft-boiled egg can be added for more protein. Chili flakes are a terrific topping if you prefer things hot, and studies have shown that the capsaicin in peppers increases satiety.

Brussel Sprouts

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