Breeds Of Dogs That Are Least Likely To Make Noise

It has been said that the Japanese Chin looks "cat-like." They are watchful and wary, although they don't bark a lot. This gentle dog values your silence and enjoys his own.

Japanese Chin

The Chin is a fantastic addition to any family and makes a great apartment dog, but it thrives in homes with older kids.

Japanese Chin

You would not think of bulldogs as a calm dog because they are a breed of brachycephalic (or short-headed) dog. To be honest, they do make a considerable amount of noise—their snoring is nearly human in volume—but their barking is actually quite subdued.


Remember to keep your bulldog active because they spend much of their time sleeping and generally lounging around, which makes them quiet but also makes them prone to weight gain.


The Irish Setter is less loud than other dogs of its breed despite being bred for the hunt. This amiable family member is willing to participate in almost any family activity.

Irish Setter

Although this breed is cheerful and friendly, it requires a lot of exercise and mental stimulation, just like the majority of working dogs.

Irish Setter

Similar to bulldogs, pugs "snarf," snore, and breathe excessively, but they are not very loud barkers. Although a pug will occasionally bark, this is not as common as it is with other breeds. They yip or yodel instead of barking when they do.


This sociable breed is frequently referred to as multum in parvo because it has a big canine personality in a small frame.


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