Depending on your zodiac sign, which Emoji are you?

There is no sign more passionate than Aries, the witty and daring sign. 100%? Too little! An Aries will put 110% effort into every activity and burn the candle at both ends.

Aries: Fire Emoji

Aries' emoji is a fire, which is appropriate given their fiery nature, flaming desire, and vivacious demeanour. Of fact, showing power and assertiveness by flexing one arm is a close second.

Aries: Fire Emoji

More than just a bull, Taurus is a stubborn, rooted sign! Peak Taurus is the emoji for a tree. The Bull is dependable, can weather any storm, and has loyalty that extends deeper than a tree's roots, all signs of their grounded and sturdy nature.

Taurus: Tree Emoji

Of fact, the diamond emoji is almost equally appropriate because Taurus has a keen sense of beauty, whether it is in the natural world or in cosy blankets.

Taurus: Tree Emoji

Gemini, the zodiacal twins, is the only choice for the twins emoji. What other contrast might more accurately describe them? They are as eager to learn new things as they are to share what they have discovered because of their flexible nature.

Gemini: Twin Emoji

Which may swing from chatterbox to attentive listener. The restless and constantly-changing temperament of Gemini is second only to a tornado in terms of emoji popularity.

Gemini: Twin Emoji

Cancer is an obvious and appropriate choice for the water wave emoji because it is the cardinal water sign. Cancers have a depth that extends far below the surface and are as gloomy as the sea.

Cancer: Water Wave Emoji

What better site to symbolise Cancer and its love of home, family, and friends than a sanctuary that is the happy home to so many animals? You could counter that the house emoji accurately depicts the comfort they provide.

Cancer: Water Wave Emoji

The sun is a better emoji even though the lion represents Leo's crest. Leos' warm hearts, charming personalities, and loving nature are all captured by the sun's dazzling radiance. The sun, which may be at times arrogant and is located at the centre of our solar system, is exactly where Leos like to be.

Leo: Sun Emoji

However, there is no need to go for the SPF because the crown emoji is also a regal alternative for this sign. They are proud of not only themselves but also the people around them.

Leo: Sun Emoji

The magnifying glass emoji is without a doubt the best representation of Virgo, the zodiac sign that is most discriminating, focused on the details, and intelligent.

Virgo: Magnifying Glass

They always pay attention to the little things, are very meticulous, and have a talent for paying attention to even the most minute details.

Virgo: Magnifying Glass

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