How Each Zodiac Sign Will Be Affected By The August New Moon

This new moon may have you feeling a little emotional, but don't worry, Aries; they won't stop you from moving forward. You might even be able to use them to fuel your work or creative endeavors.


You might have an artistic "aha" moment during this new moon, or a project might get a revitalizing boost. Additionally, you might want to reconsider how much you charge for creative labor. It's a terrific moment to embrace your independent nature and follow your passions while the north node is in your sign.


This lunation may cause Taureans to feel a little apprehensive. Because the earth sign cherishes stability, there will probably soon be some "shifts" in the dynamics of your friends and family.


Where do your ideals conflict with those of your family members? There is reorganization going on, so this is a good time to be patient yet open about giving too much to relatives.


You might be reuniting with old buddies right now. Your words are being scrutinized (which is common with your third house lighted up), but you're also discovering that others get energy from them.


Saturn will also be in your career house throughout the upcoming days, which is why you can feel inspired to produce something lovely.


This lunacy may put cancers' careers and lives in jeopardy. A choice you made is up for evaluation, and you might have made a sacrifice, with the new moon lighting up your second house of money and values. 
