Shay Mitchell Eats These 5 Things To Melt Belly Fat

The mother of two begins each morning with a 30-minute workout before eating an egg quesadilla with mushrooms and spinach. Every morning, I prepare the same breakfast.

Egg Quesadilla

A meal consisting of an egg quesadilla, spinach, and mushrooms provides protein from the egg, fiber and vitamins from the vegetables, and carbohydrates from the tortilla.

Egg Quesadilla

Mitchell buys frozen cauliflower or broccoli crusts to prepare pizza for lunch. "I'll top it with some spinach, arugula, and ranch dressing.

Pizza with a Broccoli or Cauliflower Crust

Pizza with crusts made of broccoli or cauliflower has fewer carbohydrates than standard pizza.

Pizza with a Broccoli or Cauliflower Crust

Mitchell eats hummus and vegetables as snacks in between meals. Because, well, everything tastes better with hummus, don't you think?, She adore hummus with anything.

Veggies and Hummus

A healthy snack is vegetables and hummus. Vegetables contain the necessary vitamins, minerals, and fibers, while hummus, which is made from chickpeas, offers protein and healthy fats.

Veggies and Hummus

Mitchell doesn't avoid meals or snacks because he likes to eat. "She also has things like snacks and meals. She is a fan of Beyond Meat.

Meat Lettuce Wraps

She have a Beyond beef lettuce wrap and some crispy sweet potato chips for an afternoon snack. Despite being plant-based, Beyond meat is not inherently healthier than red meat.

Meat Lettuce Wraps

Mitchell has a few go-to dinner alternatives, such pasta or a sweet potato, although at the moment she likes sea bass better. "I'll serve it with a salad to go along with it because it's so simple.

Fish and Salads for Dinner

A high protein, low calorie lunch is fish and a side salad. Fish is regarded as a protein with little fat that can provide you with a significant amount of protein while lowering your caloric intake.

Fish and Salads for Dinner

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