Top 4 Cute Animals with Big Ears

However, because to the low caloric content of eucalyptus leaves, which dictate a sedentary


lifestyle for these fluffy-eared critters, their dietary choices are fairly austere.


The honor of being the world's biggest land animal belongs to the African elephant. The enormous

African Elephants

ears of the African elephant are six feet long and act as a natural air conditioner.

African Elephants

Fennec foxes, the smallest members of the fox family, draw attention not because of their small size but rather because of their

Fennec Foxes

unusually enormous ears. This endows them with an unmistakable appeal that makes them possibly the prettiest foxes in the world.

Fennec Foxes

These canines trot around with floppy ears that dangle low and practically sweep the ground.

Basset Hounds

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