Try These Yoga Pose for Lower Belly Fat Reduction

Yoga stance known as Ustrasana, or the Camel Pose, works the chest and abdominal.

Ustrasana: Strengthening the Core

You may strengthen your abdominal muscles by sitting on your knees, holding onto your feet, and lowering your torso and neck backward. With its emphasis on the core, this position can help tone the lower belly region.

Ustrasana: Strengthening the Core

Targeting the abdominal region, Halasana, also known as the Plough Pose, entails lying on your back and lifting your legs over your head.

Halasana: Active Digestion and Muscles

In addition to lowering abdominal fat, this pose improves circulation, digestion, and back muscles. You can help create a toned and healthier stomach via regular practice.

Halasana: Active Digestion and Muscles

The forward-bending pose known as Padahastasana, or the Palms to Feet Pose, works to strengthen the abdomen.

Padahastasana: Flexibility and Weight Management

While flexibility may be necessary to reach for your feet, regular exercise can improve muscular engagement and improve blood flow in the abdominal area. Additionally, this position aids in better digestion and general weight control.

Padahastasana: Flexibility and Weight Management

Santolanasana, also referred to as the Plank Pose, is a fundamental yoga pose that works the core and several other muscles.

Santolanasana: Core Activation and Endurance