Which Pikmin Do You Represent, According To Your Zodiac Sign?

With the possible exception of the Blue Pikmin, Olimar being an Aries is arguably the pick that should come as the least surprise. Olimar is brave, cool, and assertive. His creativity and drive to succeed make him a natural leader, which is typical Aries behavior.

Aries: Olimar

He managed to gather an entire army of Pikmin (whom he had never seen before) to help him when his ship crash-landed on a strange planet with an unbreathable environment, and he found success in as little as 30 days.

Aries: Olimar

Being at ease in their own space is something that Tauruses value highly. They appreciate the conveniences of home and hardly ever have the need or want to venture outside of it.

Taurus: Glow Pikmin

The Glow Pikmin is the one Pikmin most likely to understand that. These ghost-like companions, which were first seen in Pikmin 4, can only be encountered at night or when it's completely dark.

Taurus: Glow Pikmin

Some people appear to be engaged in activity at all times. These enthusiastic people might very well be Geminis, always learning a new skill and having a hobby planned.

Gemini: Yellow Pikmin

And they would be the Yellow Pikmin if they were a Pikmin. These energetic guys can do much more than you might expect, including jump higher and dig faster.

Gemini: Yellow Pikmin

A Cancer is the best at managing a space since they are the actual mediators of life. They are the ideal partner for the Ice Pikmin due to their powerful will and innate capacity to affect other people's emotions.

Cancer: Ice Pikmin

The blocky tiny ice cubes were first seen in Pikmin 4, and they're not only masters of staying cool when they set their minds to it, they can convince just about anyone else to 'chill out' as well.

Cancer: Ice Pikmin

A Leo will likely hog the spotlight if anyone does. They relish the attention and are prepared to show that it is well-deserved. Oatchi, one of the Pikmin team's newest members, can really relate to this.

Leo: Oatchi

This canine-like creature, albeit not a Pikmin, is your character's dependable ally throughout Pikmin 4. They possess all the abilities of a Pikmin in addition to unique extra abilities like treasure hunting and smashing through fragile objects.

Leo: Oatchi

The idea of a Leafling, an anomaly in the Pikmin universe, has been conjectured ever since the first game. However, their intentions or their existence are only revealed in Pikmin 4. The Leaflings share the great conviction in Dondori, the art of efficiency, as one defining characteristic.

Virgo: The Leaflings

They will take any action they deem necessary to reach their objectives. The objective on PNF-404 is to endure. The Leaflings interpret this as turning anyone who is unable to breathe the atmosphere's air into a Leafling.

Virgo: The Leaflings

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